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HVAC vs The Fitness Industry: Why air conditioning in gyms is a must have

With the Christmas period truly over and many of us ready to tackle 2025 head-on, you may find the gym packed with eager faces ready to start their own fitness journey. With the increased number of people going and January bringing cold temperatures, it is important that your fitness and leisure centres are well air-conditioned.
Here are our top three reasons why air conditioning is a must-have in gyms:

Comfort and Enjoyment

When customers are looking to sign up to a new gym or leisure facility, the key selling factors are usually the facilities, the price, and the environment. A cool, well-ventilated gym is a must. No one wants to work out in a hot, stuffy environment, right? An air conditioning system will ensure that people are comfortable and enjoy their gym experience.

Health and Safety

Maintaining a cool temperature in a gym is also essential for the health and safety of all users. If there is a lot of people working up a sweat in a confined space, the temperature can quickly become overpowering. Members can suffer from headaches and cramps due to dehydration and heat exhaustion as a result of a hot gym environment.

Effective Workouts

Many people don’t realise that air conditioning can actually improve gym-goers’ workouts. It ensures that their core body temperature is optimised for exercise. If you start working out in a room that is already too hot, it will affect your core body temperature and limit your results. This is particularly important if the space is used for cardio exercise, martial arts, dancing, or fencing.

Woodhouse Environmental is one of the leading HVAC and air conditioning specialists in Hampshire and the South Coast, with more than 45 years of experience in the industry. Please contact us for more information about our market-leading products and services.

If you missed our previous blog on ‘HVAC Winter Maintenance’ check it out.