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2024, LETS GO!

We’ve made it through 2023, and now it’s time to focus on your hopes and plans for 2024.

We’ve sat down with Dan and Chris Fox, Woodhouse Environmental Services Managing Directors who have discussed their energy efficiency-related New Year’s resolutions to help keep you on track of your energy bills, save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and set you up for a successful 2024. Check out their top tips below:

Let’s use less

“Using less’ sounds incredibly simply but these small changes will have a huge impact on the planet and its resources, a great place to start being at home.

Ensuring you switch off the lights before you leave the house and not leaving appliances plugged into the socket if unused can minimise our impact on your energy bills. Washing your clothes at a lower temperature can also help save energy costs. By using less, it doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice your own comfort. It’s just simply about being more mindful of your actions.

Upgrading your boiler: boiler maintenance & bleeding your radiators

On average, boilers have a lifespan of around 15 years, and in order to keep them running smoothly, it’s best to get your boiler serviced. Having your boiler services annually dramatically reduces the risk of needing costly repairs or a boiler replacement.  In some cases, you might need an entirely new boiler. If your boiler is old, or you’ve had consistent problems with your heating system, it is definitely time for a new one. Although an investment, we believe it will save you from money loss and worry in the long run.

Bleeding your radiators can help ensure that your home energy is being used efficiently. Radiators often get trapped air bubbles inside them, which makes your boiler work harder to keep your home heated. Bleeding your radiators is something you can easily do yourself at home and only takes a few minutes.

Turn your heating flow temperature down

Without lowering the temperature of your home, turning the flow temperature on your combi boiler down 50 degrees can save you nearly £100 a year.

Make energy-efficient upgrades at home.

Below we have listed the top mistakes made around the home that could be costing you:

  1. Heat people, not rooms – layer up or invest in thermal blankets.
  2. Don’t heat empty rooms.
  3. Draught proofing.
  4. Use smaller pans when cooking – the smaller the pan, the less heat you’ll require.
  5. Only boil the water you need – don’t waste money, time, and energy by overfilling your kettle.
  6. Change your light bulbs to LED bulbs.


If you missed our previous blog on Why Air Conditioning, IAQ and Temperature Control Is Important in Care and Nursing Homes check it out.